Revolution & the Matrix Reloaded The Lord God, יהוה אלהים, is beginning to make Himself known even as the New World Order elites tighten their tyrannical grip upon America and the World. Satan may be able to control the airwaves as prince and power of the air but he cannot stop the Spirit of God moving upon the waters. So much is being revealed now concerning NASA and it's lies and the concealment of the solid dome firmament above us. NASA was created to control and conceal. Control access to 'space' and prevent us from discovering that it is not there! If private rockets went up too far they would hit the dome. The edge of the dome must also be made off limits by keeping us away from Antarctica. So the top of the dome is controlled by 'space' agencies and the edge of the dome is concealed by limiting access to Antarctica. The truth is being revealed, a truth that has been hidden for a long time. We are in the midst of another reformation. This current reformation is far more fundamental than that of the past. Gutenberg invented the printing press and the protestant reformation began as people suddenly had access to the word of God in their own language. They no longer relied on the corrupt Catholic priesthood with its dark paganism. God used Germany and the Protestant nations of Northern Europe to put that old Papal Dragon in a box. The Word was triumphant. We are justified by faith, not works of a pagan catholic Queen of Heaven and her sun god worshiping cult. The old whore was dealt a hard kick (but not a fatal blow). Despite the remarkable gains that the protestants made, they were still not completely severed from the umbilical cord of Rome. They carried a virus within their doctrines, they still swallowed the Sunday Sabbath and the pagan Roman Calendar. They didn't do the Catholic feasts, but they didn't do the Lord's either. Now most Protestants keep Catholic Christmas and Easter. (I was shocked when I went to the states and saw Protestant churches keeping creepy Catholic Halloween, what a whore house -and it's got a skeleton in the closet!) And added to these abominations, the modern day Protestants believe the Jesuit lies concerning the spherical sun worshiping earth (which I also did until about a month ago!!!!!). First came the printing press as the Protestant Reformation got underway. Now comes the internet and with it all the vices it brings including godless entertainment and pornography. But there is an awakening going on! This is of much greater significance than the 'Great Awakening' in Protestant America. This awakening has been largely aided through the exchange of ideas on the internet. There is a fundamental revolution on its way that will burn not only our cities and our churches to the ground, but the entire order of things. The 'New World, is in formation in our minds as the sleeper awakens and returns to the Father's word. This reformation is bigger than 'the Reformation'. The Sabbath, Feasts, Calendar and firmament Dome are all related and will cause a baby to break out of it's prison amongst the nations and captivity to Rome! The baby is captive 10 tribe Israel. If this awakening is indeed of the Lord יהוה, then expect internet censorship to come. For the bad guys this is a way of damage control, to contain things as long as they can. For the Lord however this is a way of further showing His hand. Everything the enemy uses for harm will be matched by an equal but opposite move of God's Spirit amongst His people. NASA is being undone. People are discovering the truth about the firmament. So if you were the Vatican in Rome, how would you shut down your non Sun Worshiping critics? The internet is needed for business so you can't just pull the plug. But the Vatican controlled government of the US and other nations could bring in anti free speech laws under the guise of 'hate speech'. You could thus get Facebook and Google (and YouTube) etc to start playing ball the way you want to. Draft 'Hate Speech' laws and squash the truth out of online applications and websites with their videos, blogs and discussions and get the details of who's been talking. 'Hate speech' is just big brother double talk. What they want is to crush dissent and eliminate the light of God's word from public discourse. But maybe a few too many people would still protest too much. So how do you do it? Another 911 type event would help shut down free speech on the internet. But it would need to be much bigger than a few buildings set on fire -that worked 15 years ago but we need something more radical to affect a more radical change. For this we would need to nuclear destruction of a US City or something of that magnitude. There will still be dissent from many, but not enough to stop the Police State taking hold like a protective mother for our supposed safety. Because most of the real manly generations have for the most part already died off, the younger generation will for the most part run to the safety of their protective mom. And that was how the west was lost. I am very interested in what the Lord will do in this very difficult time. This is not just some idle intellectual fascination for my mind, my heart will be very much involved in the struggle of the hour. Of course we will all be in a world that will try our faith severely and we are going to see who will remain after the shaking. Those that are full of faith will do mighty exploits (they will have to to survive!). But many sleepy folks will be cut off. Already the curtain of internet censorship is starting to descend upon us. Of course all the vices of the internet have free reign. It's just the truth of the Word of God that can't be tolerated, that's 'wrong thinking', that's 'hate speech'. After censorship comes open persecution. In this corrosive environment, brother will be betraying brother. The House of Israel will be trimmed to the bone. But it's also during this coming destruction and collapse, that the remnant of the House of Israel will come together as a nation. Fellowships will be tight if they are to survive. The pressure of the times will forge the rag tag communities into the nucleus of one nation under God, the remnant of the House of Israel will come together with God's help. But it wont join with the Jews in the land of Israel just yet. It will go to the 'North Country' along the Euphrates river. The bible believing remnant of Esau will fly like the Eagle to his nest in Petra, and that part of the Jordan where Edom dwelt in ancient times, his ancient land and capital Seir. He will rebuild his land but later a bad and proud generation will revolt against God, Obadiah 1. Some of Esau will also join with the Jews in the land of Israel. Meanwhile the remnant of the lost sheep of the House of Israel will return to the North Country to come together as a nation. There we will learn to speak Hebrew and English will be forgotten within a generation. Something big must therefore devastate the United States where the bulk of Esau and Jacob now live. (Americans think the Arabs are Esau, but Esau is the USA, even as Jacob is there too, the older serves the younger and seeks dominion. Now unbelieving masonic Esau is throwing off the yoke.) Devastation is coming like a Cesarean birth. Two children are about to be born. Two nations from one womb. Our lost tribe communities are already coming together in bits and pieces in the USA. Like minded folks are gathering together into communities. Within the cities they are coming together in home fellowships. The wiser ones, if they are able or have the faith, are leaving the big cities for the countryside to build community away from the disaster zones of our modern day little Babylons. Out of the cities they can build their homes and cottage industries even as they batten down their hatches and wait for the flood to come. Thankfully the good Lord will be working at that time too. Let us love and fear the Lord (and love one another, even when we disagree). Some messianic communities will be from the remnant of Esau, others will be from the remnant of Jacob. Both are beloved of the Lord if they hold true to the Lord. Caleb was from Esau through Kenez, Josh 14:14, Gen 36:11, but was adopted into the Judean line of Hezron, 1Ch 2:18. He entered the land. Our blood line is something we don't choose, but who we serve is something we can choose. Joshua said that "as for me and my house we will serve the Lord", Joshua 24:15. Caleb was faithful also. By some means or another there will be a massive exodus of the remnant of Jacob from the United States and elsewhere. The bulk of the Laodicean House of Israel will be killed off but the remnant will make it through. The sleeping Laodiceans are reminded that the Lord is the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth for a reason. Revelation 3:14 The Lord has to remind this last days sleeping and wealthy church that He is the creator! So this fact is important. God worked for 6 days and rested on the Sabbath. It's for this reason that our sleepy churches need to take the Sabbath and feasts seriously. Because the Sabbath bears witness to the Lord as Creator and the 7 Feasts are linked to the 7 days of creation and Sabbath. In the next section I will briefly lay this out and how this is leading to war on an unheard of global scale that will make World War 2 look like a walk in the park. Our Sodomite generation is ripe for reminding who is the Creator. That reminding is coming by fire and pillars of smoke. War on the Sabbath The Sabbath celebrates the creation of the Heaven & Earth with it's completion and rest, Gen 2:3. If God rests on the Sabbath, then surely we should also, in fact that is exactly what the Lord says, Lev 23:3. Because the Sabbath is related to creation by the Creator, it is something the devil fights tooth and nail to nullify. Because the Sabbath is also related to Israel, it is a way of reminding believing Israel of Her Redeemer Creator God and of their relationship to Him, Ex 31:13,17. In fact the King of Heaven, Yeshua/YHVH will return to the Earth to set up His 1000 year reign, which is a fulfillment of the 7th day of creation and the 7th feast of the Lord. This will happen after the Israelite bride has made herself ready. Here we are in the last days, and what has been attacked venomously these past few thousand years? The Sabbath! Along with the throwing off of the Sabbath, the church jettisoned the Biblical Hebrew Calendar. The Protestant Churches still use the Roman Catholic Gregorian calendar which is just a slightly modified version of the Roman Empire's Julian Calendar. This Calendar is a solar Calendar (unlike the luni-solar Biblical Hebrew Calendar). Pagan Calendars celebrate pagan feasts to pagan gods. As we near the end of the last days, Satan has fought with his serpent tongue to persuade us that not only should we get rid of the Biblical Hebrew Calendar and replace it with his Roman Solar Calendar but that we should also be duped to think that the Sun is the center of our 'solar' system. The bible says that the earth is the center of creation and immovable and that the sun and moon orbit it. But we are told by scientists that we are just a speck of dust in a large and godless universe. In Satan's made up world, the Sun is the center of Satan's Calendar and the spherical earth revolves around this Sun in a Sun centered 'solar system'. This of course is a lie, but to 'pull the wool over our eyes' and 'prove it' we have a 'space race' and the fakery of NASA as explained in the previous article, 'King-Dome, Calendar & Called Out Ones'. We are living on a flat earth with a domed firmament. These two seemingly unconnected rediscoveries, the Hebrew Calendar and the geocentric flat earth with the sun and moon orbiting it are really part of one move of God's Spirit all related to His appointed times for His people. This in turn is related to the awakening of the 10 lost tribes of the House of Israel because the Sabbath ties these two things together (calendar and flat earth dome). The Sabbath is a sign between the Lord and Israel as Creator and Redeemer. And the Sabbath reminds us of this heaven-earth system as a supernatural creation of the Creator God of the Bible. We did not evolve. The earth was designed and built by God and the Dome proves it's other worldly manufacture. The Biblical Hebrew Calendar is earth centred (geocentric), not sun centred (heliocentric). It views the year in terms of the revolution of the Sun and Moon about the fixed unmoving earth, as it actually is. 1 Chronicles 16:30: "Fear before him, all the earth: the world also shall be stable, that it be not moved." ![]() Kaboom! Godless cities of Sodom destroyed through World War 3. This occurs as the Creator of Heaven and Earth reveals Himself. How? By revealing the dome firmament above our heads, thus uncovering the lies of the enemy (including a pagan Roman Sun centred solar calendar, Sun-day Sabbath, spherical Sun orbiting Earth in a cold and godless universe). So now that the 'cat is out of the bag' so to speak, and NASA's lies are clearly being uncovered, it is time for war. The Jesuit's that pushed the whole spherical 'big blue marble' earth with its sun centred solar system have to destroy those that don't follow their corrupt pagan calendar and cold and godless cosmos and evolutionary world view. If they don't destroy us then they risk seeing captive Israel rise from the midst of America and elsewhere and become it's own nation. Pharaoh wouldn't let Israel go I seem to recall. Even as the Vatican and it's assassins go about to destroy Protestant America, there is an awakening that is gathering pace and strength. This is a battle of the gods (so called) against the true Creator of all - and we know who wins don't we!? Expect then to see the rapid movement towards World War 3 to squash the voice of God amongst His people. NASA is getting ready to put quite a show on with their reusable rockets from SpaceX etc (towards the end of 2017). But it would seem that NASA are rapidly running out of 'street cred' so the Jesuit NWO will have to push the peddle down and hurry along their destructive world war. Even now Russia is being prodded and primed to provide the antagonists to Catholic Europe and post Christian / Apostate Protestant America. Along with Russia will be China and parts of the Muslim world as the axis of evil. Expect to see some sort of 911 event in the USA to bring in total marshal law and get the FEMA camps running - for our 'safety'. A major earthquake or other natural disaster might do, but why wait? A nuclear attack on a major US city would do the job nicely. It could be dirty suit case nukes or something from lobbed from North Korea etc. But it would have to be a bigger event than the destruction of the world trade centre etc. About the same time we will have the outbreak of hostilities between the Vatican's client state, Israel locking horns with the other Islamic countries allied with Russia. (This is a possible scenario to facilitate global confict anyway). Yes the modern State of Israel is a Vatican-Jesuit project that allows them some control of Jerusalem and the temple mount. (They certainly couldn't gain access while the Muslim Turks were in power.) They actually need a compliant Israel to allow them access to this area and allow them to build the temple. The Jews are not in full control of Israel. Years ago the Jews said that they have no king but Caesar, John 19:12,15. Nothing has changed in that regard. We all have to serve somebody. This may sound strange that the state of Israel is controlled by Rome, but Satan cannot put his son in the holy place unless there is a holy place! However the Lord will stir the hearts of a remnant of the Jews to not only fight the Arabs, but also Rome and her UN patsies. You see the Lord is using the Jews as his touchstone in judging the nations. The godless gentile attitude towards the Jews is revealed through their antagonism to Jews living in their own ancestral God given land. So the Lord is able to judge the gentiles for this. The Lord is also allowing the modern state to come together in order for the Jews to fight for Jerusalem and morn for the one they have pierced who is none other than YHVH-Yeshua יהוה ישוע, Zech 12. Both the Jews in the Holy Land, and the lost tribes in America and elsewhere will be shaken about the same time. So both America and Israel will be at war at about the same time. Islam will play its role, Russia and China will do their thing. And the modern day FEMA concentration camp's will be running in order to 'save us'! The FEMA pastors will shepherd their trusting and sleeping FEMA flocks to their FEMA captivity and FEMA slaughter. Much of the lost tribes of Israel will be destroyed during this time because of sin and accompanying ignorance. But the awakening remnant will make it through if they persevere till the end. We need to be sensitive to the Ruach haKodesh and be prayerful. There are far too many Hebrew roots folks that are still very carnal in their behaviour and attitudes. The times that are coming will either purify us or destroy us. We need to be loving warriors led by God's Spirit and informed by His Holy Word. We don't want to be unforgiving small minded critics that live to tear their brothers and sisters apart because they don't exactly agree with everything we say. We need to be Spirit led, not carnal. Sales are down so Rebranding & Repackaging are Necessary So what will Satan do if people know that there really is a God in Heaven and that there is a dome above us? What do you do when the old lies don't work anymore? Obviously it is time to invent some new lies. Or reinvent some new old lies. The current lies of the Roman Catholic Church include;
The current Sun worship and lies of the Vatican's science are currently being defrocked quicker than any pedophile Priest of the Pontificate. All these lies will fall apart as the true nature of the non globe earth is widely known. The sun and moon are of equal size and relatively close to our unmoving earth as they orbit within our solid dome firmament. Alpha Centauri is not 4.37 light years away, and the Throne of God in the utmost parts of the North is very close, within so many thousand miles away. Our earth-heaven system is also semi mechanical like a clock or astrolabe. And the clockwork machine is run with angelic beings like cherubim whose spirits are in the wheels of the machinery and direct its movement. This is too weird and incredible for folks to take seriously. It is super fantastic science fiction. However it is fact, and what we have been told is science regarding our 'solar' system is actually science fiction fantasy. So some reinvention of lies will need to be done because the old institutions like the Vatican and it's NASA and False Science is currently being unmasked. Now I haven't mentioned many of the other pagan inventions of the Roman Catholic Daughter of Babylon. I could talk about infant baptism, transubstantiation, worship of saints, salvation by works, priestcraft and Mary worship as the sinless coredemtrix and Queen of Heaven. Alright, that last one I will talk about. Let us look at Mary Worship, here we may find the answer that will save Satan and his Kingdom of Darkness. He will be able to fight another day, and mother Mary will save Him. You see Rosary Beads and the worship of Mary provide a common connection between Catholicism and Islam. Because there is no longer any need for the lies of the Roman Catholic Church or Islam, therefore it is expedient for Satan to destroy both the Vatican and Mecca. They have outlived their usefulness. But the master of puppets will take the common connection between these two false religions which is the worship of the Queen of Heaven and use it to forge a new religion and calendar. Merge the two calendars together. The Catholics have a strictly Solar calendar, while the Muslims have a strictly lunar calendar. So after World War 3 it would be prudent to combine the Solar Calendar of the Catholics with the Lunar Calendar of the Muslims and produce a Luni Solar Calendar of the Babylonians. (The mother of harlots will be very pleased with herself.) The Babylonian calendar has the same months and cycle as the Hebrew calendar but there are differences because it's Holy days are centred around the worship of other gods. They may have the same months but they worship other deities and have other feast days. The Babylonian Calendar is much more similar to the Biblical Hebrew calendar, but it serves a different purpose. It is the Calendar of Babylon where the world built a tower to storm the heavens (penetrate the dome firmament). After World War 3 expect to see the USA destroyed by nuclear war along with much of the earth. The 10 lost tribes of Israel and the remnant of Esau will migrate to the middle east. The lost tribes and a portion of the Jews will establish themselves in the North Country by the Euphrates river. At a later stage they will leave for a unification with the rest of the Jews in the North Country. After World War 3 last days Babylon will form. America is just a prototype. After World War 1 there was the 'League of Nations', after World War 2 the 'United Nations' was formed and the 'World Council of Churches'. After World War 3 we will have the formation of last days Babylon in the land of Shinar where wickedness will have a house built for her, Zech 5:11. She will ultimately become the commercial and the religious capital of a united world empire of 10 regions (10 toes of Nebuchadnezzar's image). The iron and clay of the toes of the image in the book of Daniel represent non human (iron) and apostate human (clay). So expect that the Alien agenda of Rome to be revealed during or after World War 3. Notice the progression of darkness and light coming together after each major world war. During each World War, the Nations come together in rebellion (darkness). First the League of Nations then the United Nations and finally Babylon. But Israel also comes together, firstly in rebellion and then in obedience (light). Firstly just the Jews (WW1 & WW2 )and then later the lost tribes (WW3) and finally a reunited 12 tribe kingdom of David. World War 3 will lead to major changes in the carve up of the nations, who's on top and thus who's leading language and culture. The leading language of the world will change after the leading nations are nuked. Currently English is the business tongue, the characters are Latin. Latin is the language of Law and Rome. When Rome burns, Babylon, like the phoenix will arise from the ashes in the land of Shinar which is modern day Iraq, Zech 5. No wonder the largest US embassy in the world is in Baghdad, 70km north of Babylon. The language of Babylon is Aramaic. Meanwhile the trimmed down House of Israel will relocate from the USA and elsewhere to the North Country (not all but most). Here they will come together as a nation with their Calendar and Feasts and the language of Hebrew. We need to be speaking Hebrew not English, we are not there yet. This will happen once we leave our devastated land for the 'North Country'. We are then nearing the time when we will join with that other nation, the House of Judah followed by the raising up of the Levitical Priesthood and the 'Kingdom of David'. This is well before the 7 year tribulation. This bakes the noddle of most Americans. So we'll talk about it again after the smoke clears. See also
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AuthorWithout the heart, the Hebrew Roots movement is dead. Archives
October 2018